Oh Yeah, I’m giving it up for all the guys over or around 35 in the playoffs. These are my peers. Guys who grew up on Voltron and He-Man and watching Hulk Hogan body slam Andre the Giant at Wrestlemania. The guys who saw the original animated Transformers the Movie at the theater. Guys who know lines from “The Last Dragon” and who probably were afraid of the Thriller video. These are guys who have taken care of their bodies and have been able to stand the test of time and allowed themselves to continue to produce on NBA teams. They have creaky knees, bum ankles and suspect hairlines. But at the end of the day, they are ball players from the heart and continue to be so. It makes me feel good to see these guys still playing, even though they may be shadows of their former selves. I am also a shadow of my younger self, and my younger self wasn’t that good of a basketball player. So you can imagine what I look like out there on the court now. But, remember, I am the only one who can say that. All of you suckaz out there can try me if you want to. Big up to the OGs and if you don’t know what that is, then you are not even in this conversation. Go find your baby toys.